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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Is there something Wrong with Me?

I don’t know if other people can relate to what I feel now. It seems that something is not right lately. I’m not sure if it’s about blogging, my hormone or I just need enough sleep. Last week before Christmas I was busy, going to bed very late but still I have to wake up early coz I have a schedule to go to work. I’ve been requesting day off’s from work because of my dental appointments almost every week and then Christmas time comes, but I’m still not having enough sleep or doing much of the household chores. It’s just that my life before I had my blog was more relaxing. Blogging takes a lot of time and it seems that it’s controlling me rather than I control it. My world lately was all about blogging coz that’s where I spent most of my time now. I missed doing household chores, grocery shopping, watching TV and reading magazines or book that interest me. I’ve been cranky at work this week which I don’t feel or do in the past. I told hubby about it coz I felt sad already and felt that I’m not happy with my job anymore. He said that maybe its true that I’m not happy with my job or maybe it’s because of my hormone but I said that I am happy when I get my paycheck. Haha I guess everybody feel the same way when they get their paycheck. Correct? He also said that maybe it’s because of my hormone. I’m not sure of what’s the reason why I feel what I’m feeling right now. But my OB said that I have a hormonal imbalance which she tried to fix by prescribing me pills every month for one year which I did not follow coz my OB in the Philippines tell me a different story about taking the pills all the time. Anyways, in the past I always tell my hubby that I enjoy working though people at work have different attitudes that I have to deal with but I enjoy doing what I do. Not anymore. I miss staying in the house and spending time with friends. Our house also doesn’t look good anymore. It’s not organized and looked clutter to me already. I’m not happy about that. Hubby has no complains whatsoever, he said that he understand me why I’m stuck in the computer coz he does that too when he’s experimenting on computer programs or reading something that interest him. But it’s not okay for me. I can see that if I don’t spend time to fix this soon then our house will become horrible. Is there something wrong with me? I don’t have kids to watch yet but it seems like I don’t have enough time for everything.

Now I want to set my priorities in life back again and ask of what really makes me happy. I’m trying to think what’s good for me. Bloggers say that you can earn from blogging but if I’ll make this as another source of income, I think the time I spent on the computer is more than what I’ll get as what I understand it from other bloggers. I don’t know if this is right for me now but it seems that this is draining me. I felt like the clock is running after me but I wanted to beat the clock so at the end of the day I accomplish something. What happen was I didn’t accomplish much everyday or even have time to relax but then I am using a lot of my time working on my blog and other site accounts. I think it’s just too much for me, though I’m happy to met new friends thru my blog from around the world but I guess it would be better for me to spend less time on this starting today. But don’t worry, I’ll try to visit here everyday when I can and do some blog hopping too. I don’t want to make promises coz I might can’t do it. I don’t know how the SAHM handle their time. That must be a tough job being a mom, a wife and do blogging at the same time.

Blogger moms, how do you handle your time? Is there a trick on how to take care of everything? I’ll be glad to hear any suggestions about handling time properly. Though I do multi-tasking jobs but still it’s not enough. Thanks for reading and take care!


Anonymous said...

nice blog. I think all you have to do is to make time schedules for everything to usually do and so that you won't missed each one of your interest.

Michelle said...

thanks for the comment. i think you're right, that's what i need... time schedules.

DA6 said...

hi mitchelee, I am from houston, texas. ahm for me blogging is fun, I spend time in the computer when i am done feeding the kids or when they are asleep, or when they are playing in the room with me while they play am in the computer too hehehe.

Anonymous said...

visit my site at

ღ Ms. Joy mH ღ said...

Hi michelle, I felt the same thing too, like I spent my time more on blogging than playing with my son. But mostly he just play around so I have time to hop up online for a while. Sometimes, I do the household chores every other day. I know it's hard, but maybe having your own job is the same thing of having a kid. Just take your time, maybe having a good job and part time blogging is very good thing to do, labaw na wa pa kay baby...mas lisod ang naay nay baby, dli 8 hours ang work time heehehe..all the time jud!

Just take time, ok ra lagi na tanan!

Michelle said...

Thank you girls for taking the time to post a comment in this particular topic. I appreacite your effort of trying to help this confused little human. hehe I feel a lot better now. Hubby is helping me to clean and arrange the house before new year. haha Now I'm okay. :)