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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I'm Free Tomorrow

Tomorrow is one of my days off. I requested to take a day off tomorrow because of my dental appointment. So tonight I can stay up late if I want to but my eyes are kinda tired now. I guess I better go to bed before midnight. Hmm Don’t know if I can do that coz even if I go to bed early, my mind is still wandering somewhere. But I have to sleep early tonight so I can go to the Asian Market tomorrow before my dental appointment. I plan to go to the Filipino store after my dental appointment if I feel okay and not dizzy or tired. I just miss the dried squid, haven’t eat it for a couple of months already. I’m already losing weight. Imagine, a skinny me still losing weight? I never intend to lose weight nor gain weight. I just want to maintain my weight for health reasons but I can’t understand why I keep on losing weight. Maybe the cold weather made me shrink a bit. Haha I was thinking that maybe I need to eat a lot next time but the problem is my tummy becomes painful if I eat too much. I sometimes do eat a lot if the food is really good coz I also have to face the consequences after eating.


Anonymous said...

hi Michelle, thanks for the instructions.i saw the link. i will try to play around with it :-) btw, goodluck on your dental check-up tomorrow :-)

Anonymous said...

oops i also forget to say, leave your personal message too, in my Guestbook at least there you're message can be read clearly :-) unlike with CBOX messages are being erased if it reach its limit. you can also write down your site so that others can view and read :-) see you soon
take care,
btw where are you in US?