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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Election of Officers for the Filipino Society

It never occured to me that I'll be one of the Officers in the Filipino Society here where I live.  I know there are people who wants to be in the spotlight or like the title but not me coz of the job that you need to do ones you're chosen as one. 

I received a call unexpectedly a couple days ago from one of the leaders asking me to be the Treasurer of the group.  I said NO right away coz I don't want additional responsibilities.  She told me to think about it so I talked to my husband when we had our dinner.  My husband told me that if it's a rotation and if it's one way of helping the group then maybe it's my turn.  He then told me that I perfectly fit for the position since I know how to manage money but my mind is thinking about the big responsibility of keeping the group's money and issuing the check, the meetings and unhealthy foods that I'm going to eat during the meeting, the jealousy and envy knowing that there are members who'd like to be the Treasurer (money is hot, right?), the thoughts of the members that I might use the money, the counting of the collected money takes a lot of time if it's a lot of course, and what if they give me the wrong computation then I'll end up paying for the money that I didn't use.  There's a lot of what if's in my mind and when my friend called me back, I asked her the worries that popped in my mind and she assure me that it's easy to do and that the present Treasurer will train me so I said Ok. 

I wasn't able to sleep lastnight thinking about it.  I told God that if this is what He wanted me to do to help the group then I'll accept it but if having the position won't do good to me, my family and the group then I better not be elected. 

Today was the election day and I didn't win.  Well, I guess God doesn't want me to worry about it and I'm glad that I don't get to count money that is not mine. lol  What a relief! :)

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