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Friday, July 18, 2008

Give and Take

One time when hubby and I went to Church, the Homily was about husband and wife. The Deacon said that the husband should bring flowers for his wife when he comes home. People in the church were laughing out loud! And then he said that the wife should cook a big meal for the husband's dinner. Again people were laughing. I was wondering why they laugh coz I wasn't paying attention to what the Deacon said. So when hubby and I were on our way home, I asked hubby why all the people at church were laughing during the Homily and hubby said "it's good if you don't understand it coz it won't hurt me". nyahaha Hmm I was eager to know what the laugh really means so I keep asking hubby about it until we arrive home. Hubby answered my question at last and said "Because the wife doesn’t cook so the husband doesn’t bring flowers". hahaha Now I know. It's because there are so many restaurants and fast foods here so you don't need to cook if you want to. You can go to the Restaurants that you like or order foods online or call for delivery and that's it! Hungry tummies will then be full.

But I wasn't feeling guilty about the Homily because most of the time I cook dinner before hubby comes home so when he arrive, foods are still hot. Maybe husbands and wives should give and take and that's the message that popped in my mind. In the past, I cooked small meals only but after hubby told me about the Homily, I started cooking side dishes for hubby. He likes vegetables so I steamed then fried the vegetables that he like with a little bit of olive oil then sprinkle a little bit of garlic salt. For his meat I cooked a steak and for his carbs the steamed potatoes. And guess what he said? "Oh, my favorite!” Suddenly, I noticed a little change. He's now more giving in some ways. I still didn't receive any flowers though but I prefer not to spend money for flowers. He's giving in a way that when I asked him to go shopping with me he sometimes go with me even if he hates it because he said it's boring. hehe One time I had a coupon at Express Boutique that expires on that day and I almost throw it to the garbage when hubby said "No, will go there and check if you find something you like". I was like, "What?" And he said "Don't throw it yet". Then I told him that the coupon will expire on that day and he said "Then we'll go there after dinner". I was really surprised. Lately, he saw a boutique for petite woman and told me that they're having a sale. I asked if they have my size and he said "We can look if you want". Hmm Shopping is good when your husband goes shopping with you. I like it when hubby holds the clothes that I pick and when I like some clothes that are hanging way up high that I can't reach it is hubby who do it for me. I don't need to call the sales person for help. Then after dinner if I'm too lazy to wash the dishes, hubby will do it for me. I didn’t ask him to wash the dishes but he did it anyway while I'm busy blogging. So when it's time for me to clean the mess in the kitchen, it's already finish. I remember what my Aunt told me that I have to give credit to hubby if he did something that he's not used to. And as a sign of my appreciation of what he did for me, he receives a big hug, caress, kiss and I'd say "Very good hubby! You're the best husband I ever had". And then we laugh. It’s costless. You only need a little bit of effort to make your spouse happy. You really don’t need to buy expensive items to please each other. A thoughtful action and words of appreciation will do the job. TGIF! ^_^


Katelove's said...

First of all, Thanks kaayo sis mich! Wow ka sweet ninyo sis oi, I'm happy for you, OnAna sad kong hubby, dli jud moUban ug shopping kay boring daw, and then later nalouy na cguro sa akoa, mouban nman. hehehe. Ingat sis and have a great weekend!

Best regards,

PinayWAHM said...

Hi Mitch...

Hopping lang me here to wish you a great weekend.


Chester said...

Just dropping by... to say hi! have a nice day and HAPPY BLOGGING!

A Piece of Idea
Plokmaster is Talking Dollars

Lynn said...

"You only need a little bit of effort to make your spouse happy. You really don’t need to buy expensive items to please each other. A thoughtful action and words of appreciation will do the job"

exactly, sis! being happy and sharing or giving happiness to others is much more important than material things.

sweet niyo naman. inggit ako...hehe.

Michelle said...

Thanks for the comments peeps! Enjoy the weekend! :)